Engaging and communicating with contingent workers and employees continues to be a challenge for many organizations. Here are some simple tips that we surfaced during a recent project:
Community & Belonging:
- Invite employees to social and informal events to build relationships and increase camaraderie
- Include employees in employee resource groups (ERGs) and other groups to enable connection(s)
- Request that existing employees share open job opportunities with colleagues with a contingent status if they see a potential fit
- Provide opportunities for career and skills training (when appropriate)
- Create opportunities for contingent workers to define and develop their individual sense of purpose (personal and career)
- Connect contingent workers with other employees who share a similar sense of purpose or passion
- Include contingent workers in all emergency response training, drills and programs
- Ensure transparency and authenticity in all contingent worker communications to build trust and connection
- Recognize contingent workers early and often with simple and meaningful rewards
For more information or stories on how we might suggest increasing employee engagement or communicating more effectively with your contingent workforce, contact Intactic today.