In the competitive market for talent, having a great Employer Brand is an essential piece of any organization’s overall talent strategy. Having a strong Employer Brand can help companies recruit better candidates, reduce hiring and marketing costs, and increase retention. 

Consider these quick stats: 

  • 29% of job seekers using social media as their primary tool for job searching (1)
  • 77% of job seekers consider a company’s culture before applying for a job (3)
  • 69% would reject job offers from brands with poor employer branding (3) 
  • Companies who prioritize their employer branding can see a 28% increase in retention. (2)   

Intactic supports our clients in developing their Employer Brand strategy, and standing up processes to support the continued growth and success of their Employer Brand. We’ve identified 3 steps you can take to get your Employer Brand right: 


Step #1: Build your Employer Brand Strategy and Plan

Set the vision and overarching Strategy for your Employer Brand. You might look to establish overall program goals and KPIs, determine key stakeholders, channels, governance, process, and hone in on your key target audience(s). Your plan may change as you continue to discover new things about your brand and your audience(s), but your overarching strategy and objectives will be the north star to help guide your decisions along the way. 


Step #2: Create a shared workspace

Employer brand work is by nature a very cross-functional effort. It typically includes key functions such as Design, Marketing, Brand, and Recruiting/Talent Acquisition. It will be vital to the scalability of your Employer Brand program to create clear workflows and responsibilities. It is also crucial to create a shared reporting area, as different groups may own reporting on certain metrics to track the success and progress of your Employer Brand program.


Step #3: Enable content creation in real time

One of the main pillars of creating a great Employer Brand is consistency. To enable consistency, it is crucial to build a content machine that allows you to create content quickly and efficiently working across multiple teams. You might include an overall Content Calendar, centralized content and design working documents, and clear approval process documentation. It is crucial to be able to move fast in content creation and utilize social channels as a way to test, iterate, and improve your employer brand campaigns in real time. 


Enabling your teams to create content that represents your values as a company and attracts the people you want to work is only the beginning in your unique Employer Brand journey. Your company’s ability to recruit better candidates, reduce hiring costs, and increase retention are the rewards that can be realized from taking this time to do Employer Brand right. 


